Monday, January 17, 2011

Class Reflection (1)

I had my first geography lesson on Tuesday, 11/1/11. I just started briefly on a topic about natural vegetation and and found it very interesting ! I now have a more in depth view on tropical rain forests after the explanation teacher gave. It was also a recap on lower secondary geography.

I discovered about many different types of trees after that lesson. To add on, i recently went for the secondary 3 camp in Malaysia. It was in a organic rice farm and had many types of vegetation there. I trekked up a hill in Malaysia which was located in a tropical rain forest. I saw the different types of plant and trees there which allowed me to relate to the recent geography lesson i had.

I saw the waxy drip tips the leaves had there to direct water down and away from it.  I also noticed that the trees there had a thin and tall bark, as mentioned during geography class. After witnessing all these similarities i found between geography class and the real rainforest, I am now more movtivated to study geography as i feel that its very meaningful if i can relate my real life with nature.

I definitely enjoyed my first geography lesson.

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