Wednesday, January 26, 2011

25 January 2011

Finished section on tropical rain forests (:
Today was a wrap up on tropical rain forest, learned about the adaptation of fruits& flowers, adaptation of bark and adaptation of roots. I learned that flowers and fruits in the tropical rain forest are sweet smelling to attract insects for pollination and animals for seed dispersal. This is needed because these is little wind blowing in the forest due to its density of plants.

Next, learned more about tropical monsoon forest. Unlike the tropical rain forest, the monsoon forest has only 3 layers.. the canopy in also not interlocked as much as the tropical rain forest. I realized that although these two forests are different, they do have similarities between them, such as the waxy drip tips on plants. The differences between the two forest are caused by the weather and i learned how the trees and plants in the monsoon rain forests adapt to their surroundings, such as thick and coarse barks and branches to protect them during the dry season. Leaves in the monsoon rain forests,such as bomboo, are narrow to prevent water loss..I think that these adaptations the plants have are really clever!!

Also, i learnt about an interesting fact. I learned that the wet and dry seasons of the tropical monsoon climae are caused by the monsoon winds. Winds that blow in from different directions give rise to the monsoon climate in the rain forest. Before i knew, i thought that the monsoon rain forest had its climate just for the sake of having its climate.. hahaha

Anyways, really enjoyed geography lesson, looking forward to the next. (:

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